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Brownsville, TN

Group for parents and students

Brownsville Tennessee

I am looking to start a group for families in and near Brownville, Tennessee. The group could meet either weekly or biweekly.

Bedford, MA

Group for parents and students

New Co-Op

I’m looking for CM families to form a co-op that meets once a week. We would cover all subjects (math, geography, art, literature, drill, music, handicrafts, etc) so students would not miss an instruction day attending co-op. Moms would rotate teaching lessons and caring for younger ones in a nursery with toys and enrichment activities.

Burien, WA

Group for parents and students

Cottage Co-op

Charlotte Mason riches co-op for students ages 6 - 10 along with Kinderleben for children ages 4 - 5, and a nursery for children 3 and under.

We will study art and composers, hymns, handicrafts, nature study, group games, parent education and community, and a Kinderleben class.

Cherry Hills Village, CO

Group for parents and students

Hammersmith School

A Charlotte Mason homeschool co-op which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays and covers subjects such as Bible, history, artist study, nature study, music, writing, and more for middle school students

Marion, IL

Group for parents

Charlotte Mason Home Educators of Southern Illinois

This group is for homeschoolers who are interested in, or are implementing Charlotte Mason philosophy of education.


Group for parents

Fredericksburg Charlotte Mason Families

A small group of moms studying Charlotte Masons Principles of Education through meetings 2x/month as well as weekly exploring ways to enrich our young children’s learning through CM methods of education including handicrafts, hymns, nature study, artist study, and habit training. Also hoping to learn from more experienced homeschooling moms either empty nesters or middle/high school moms.

Boise, ID

Group for parents

Zoom Home Education Book Reading

Would like to work thru Charlotte Mason’s Home education volumes. Starting at volume 1. Meeting Monday’s 7:30pm Eastern time zone

Seattle, WA

Group for parents and students

Cottage Co-op

We are a riches, handicrafts, and nature focused co-op.

During 2024/25 school year, we will meet weekly on Fridays.

Currently Form 1 students along with Kinderleben and nursery. Open to expanding to upper forms as the needs of the community dictate.

Boise, ID

Event for parents

Charlotte Mason 101

This FREE event is hosted by TVCMC (see separate CMIC entry) from 10 am - 3 pm, for parents who are:
~ considering homeschooling & looking for a starting point
~ interested in learning more about CM's Educational Philosophy & Practices
~ new to using CM at home & want inspiration and tips from moms who have done this "in-real-life"
Please join us for an exciting Saturday to learn all about Charlotte Mason's timeless educational philosophy, as well as demonstrate her method through multiple ***immersion lessons*** (see below). We're also arranging a Q&A panel with moms who have been implementing CM for years, so bring those narration and math questions!
We'll learn about who Miss Mason is, why we listen to her advice about home education, and yes, even parenting.
We'll also hear about where she thinks God fits into education, and what THREE instruments a teacher can use with her students. As CM says, "All education is self-education," so we'll share multiple resources with you to further your own self-education, including books, podcasts, websites, etc. Bring your note-taking materials!!

9:55 am - doors open
10 am - Welcome & Check-In
10:15 am - CM 101 (Erin T.)
11:15 am - Artist Study ***Immersion Lesson*** (Miriam A.)
11:35 am - History ***Immersion Lesson*** (Kathy D.)
11:55 am - Roundtable: What to Expect Your First Year of CM Homeschooling
12:15 pm - Lunch / bring a sack lunch, or grab something local
1 pm - Introduction to Narration (Kathy D.)
1:45 pm - Giving Life to a CM Day (Miriam A.)
2:15 pm - How to Schedule a CM Timetable (Erin T.)
2:35 pm - Roundtable: Q & A
3 pm - Close & Thank You

*** Immersion lessons are where the hostesses prepare a lesson for you, the attendee, to experience as the student. Then afterwards, we'll discuss how it's done, from a teacher's perspective.***


Bonita Springs, FL

Group for parents and students

Living Love Collective a Charlotte Mason Education Enrichment Community

Please visit us at to learn more.



To nurture spiritual and creative growth that enriches the family through community, living education, creativity, entrepreneurship, and stewardship. These five goals and outcomes are the heartbeat of what we value and will pursue as we move forward.

Community: Cultivate and nurture a Christ-Centered Community to live in harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus. So that together we may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one voice. (Romans 15:5-7)

Living Education: To enrich the family and home culture by pursuing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through scripture, hymns, and the goodness and beauty of creation using a Charlotte Mason philosophy. (Colossians 3:15-17, Ecclesiastes 7:7)

Creativity: To grow creatively, realizing that we possess the creator's creativity and, through Christ's transforming power, will be fully equipped to be molded into our purpose to glorify God. (Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 64:8, 2 Timothy 2:21)

Entrepreneurship: Encouraging families to use ingenuity and imagination to tangibly pursue God-given giftings in every season of life and to model purposefully committing all our work to the Lord. (Proverbs 16:3, Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 3:5-6)

Stewardship: Stewarding our time, talent, and finances to further the mission to preserve the family and live out our lives in a meaningful and intentional way that is pleasing to the Lord. (1 Peter 4:10, Ephesians 2:10 Ephesians 5:8-10)
We are dedicated to our distinct beliefs, which are the core of our community culture.

What We Believe

One God eternally exists in three equally divine persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the fully active power of God at work in the world today.

Humanity is God's crowning work in creation. Purposed to primarily glorify God by representing him on earth and living in a relationship with him and others.

The Bible is wholly authentic, inspired, entirely trustworthy, and without error in the original writings...the Bible is the revealed word of God...

Jesus, the Son, was born of a virgin and came to earth because of God's love for humanity...our example and victorious King.

Salvation is God's gift of redemption for His church. It is the free gift of grace received by faith alone in Jesus Christ...

The Gospel is the good news that God...sent live, die, and be raised in our place for the punishment of our that...we are reconciled to God...

The Church is God's chosen instrument to bring His Gospel to every man, woman, and child. There is one church of which Jesus Christ is the head…

Please visit us at to learn more.

Hustonville, KY

Group for parents and students

Woodland Homeschool Fellowship ~ A CM Community

New CM community in Central Kentucky! We invite fellow Charlotte Mason home-educating families for regular fellowship in Casey County, Kentucky and the surrounding areas. If you are new to the method, we welcome you to learn more! We will host a Natural History Club, Fine Arts Fridays, field trips, recitation days, Mother culture teas and a CM study group. Please reach out for more information.

Island Lake, IL

Group for parents

Charlotte Mason book study

We are working through Charlotte’s six volumes and other closely related works.

Pensacola, FL

Group for parents and students

Charlotte Amid Cypress

This is a brand-new group beginning July of 2024. Mothers will meet monthly for book club and discussion. Students will meet weekly for nature study. With enough interest and participation, this group can include a greater range of activities (Shakespeare, Plutarch, Literature) following curriculum from the CMEC.

Shelbyville, KY

Group for parents and students

New CM Group – Shelbyville, KY Area

My name is Heather and I'm moving to Eminence, KY (north of Shelbyville) in May 2024. I would like to start up a Charlotte Mason Group in this general area, as I don't see an existing group here on the CM In Community website.

I plan to start a weekly Nature Study with my kids (including nature walk, nature journaling, read-aloud) and probably sing a hymn and read a poem. I'm planning to get started right away and meet all summer long, right into the next school year. We have four children, ages 9, 6, 4, and 2.

If any mums want to gather monthly for a Mom's Night Out, I'd be happy to host starting in the fall. We could read through Miss Mason's volumes, read other great books, study the principles together, etc.

Please let me know if you'd like to join us! We'd love for some families to learn along with us, and help us get to know this new area! We're up for traveling to parks and outdoor spots in between Louisville and Lexington.

Sutton, NH

Group for parents and students

Co-op, nature group, book club

I would love to start a Charlotte Mason co-op, nature study/hiking group, and/or a mom's book club. I've been a part of all three in the past, and I've loved my experiences! If you'd like to join me in building a CM community in the Sunapee region, please reach out. My kids are in elementary school and below, but I would welcome friendships with moms that have older kids too!

Monument, CO

Group for students

Rose Cottage School

Rose Cottage School is a tuition based Charlotte Mason homeschool enrichment program serving families living in and around Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1st-5th grade students experience the enjoyment of learning with their peers by participating in our weekly offerings. We meet Tuesday afternoons for Nature Study and Thursday mornings for The Arts (Music, Art, Shakespeare, Handicrafts, and more). Students can participate in one or both programs. Parents gain support by having an experienced CM home educator supplement their core curriculum. In community, we share the calling to educate children with the beauty and richness of a Mason education.


Group for parents

South Jersey Reading Group

I am interested in starting a Charlotte Mason reading group for moms. I’m hoping to meet once a month to read through and discuss Mason’s volumes. Please reach out if you are in the South Jersey area.

Crossville, TN

Living Books Library for parents and students

Cumberland Mountain Living Library

We are a group of like-minded homeschool families making progress in putting together a free, lending Living Library for CM homeschool families.

Lithia, FL

Group for parents and students


Hi families! My vision for a group that meets in our area is to have meet ups with our kids where we focus on building relationships and community, while following CM methods to introduce our kids to rich literature, art, music, etc. There is no current group meeting, but I am wanting to start one and would love to have parent input as we build a group together.

Jacksonville, FL

Group for parents and students


Academic Charlotte Mason Community utilizing the Alveary resources from Charlotte Mason Institute.

Moms meet monthly for volumes reading discussions, students and parents meet weekly to complete a wide range of subjects together.

We are currently full, but we can add you to our waitlist or help connect you with other groups...or start your own!

Gainesville, FL

Group for parents and students

Flourish Cottage School: A Charlotte Mason Cooperative

We meet three times a month in Gainesville on Fridays and currently delegate teaching subjects to parents. We have a few in a “preschool” room, and school aged children separated into two groups: ages 6-9 and 10-14. Currently we start with hymns and Bible, followed by handicrafts (lower forms), ASL(upper) Shakespeare(upper), Church History(upper), Literature(lower), Sol-fa (lower). We wrap up with poetry and folk songs and eat lunch together. We are looking for Christian families committed to Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophies.

Orange, CA

Group for parents and students

Sursum Corda CM Co-Op

We are a community of homeschooling families that meets together for Preschool-Highschool classes taught using Charlotte Mason's principles on Thursdays in Orange, CA. Parents participate as volunteer teachers, and serve in various other volunteer roles.

Amarillo, TX

Group for parents

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of Amarillo

Reading and discussion group for homeschooling moms, with emphasis on Charlotte Mason’s philosophy.

Charlotte, MI

Group for parents and students

Moms Book Club/AO co-op

I live in the Charlotte area and am looking for a Charlotte Mason book club for moms and/or anyone interested in doing an Ambleside co-op every other week. Just really hoping to find some like-minded families in the area!

Redding, CA

Group for parents and students


Charlotte Mason Redding is a local community organized to equip, encourage and support those who are actively pursuing or desirous of learning to implement Charlotte Mason’s philosophy in their homes. We offer parental training, group gatherings & special events, group classes, a living library and mother culture opportunities.