high school

Orange, CA

Sursum Corda CM Co-Op

We are a community of homeschooling families that meets together for Preschool-Highschool classes taught using Charlotte Mason's principles on Thursdays in Orange, CA. Parents participate as volunteer teachers, and serve in various other volunteer roles.

Lakeville, MN

ABLE Homeschool Coop Community

We are a cooperative community of Christian Charlotte Mason home educators who believe that delightful wisdom acquisition is accessible to students of ALL abilities! Whether a special learner or a traditional learner, we aim to help each child delight in the joy-filled journey of lifelong learning through: cultivating wonder in God’s creation, developing servant-hearted leaders, providing grace-filled discipleship, pursuing excellence in academics and enjoyment of life lived fully together! We meet as a cooperative for Charlotte Mason academic classes on Wednesdays during the school year in Lakeville. Throughout the summer we welcome new families for special events that take place at various locations in the Twin Cities. Please see our social media pages and website for more information on events and class offerings. We have limited openings for our 2023-24 school year still available!

Sugar Land, TX

Bluebonnet Home Scholars Collaborative

Bluebonnet Home Scholars Collaborative: Homeschool Classes with a Difference

Bluebonnet Home Scholars Collaborative (BHSC), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit offering classes in the liberal arts tradition near Houston, Texas. Neither a school nor a co-op, BHSC exists to enrich the lives of homeschool families in the joint pursuit of wonder, knowledge, and love.

BHSC's hybrid approach unites families and experienced educators, and BHSC curriculum blends the best of contemporary research with the best of the classical liberal arts tradition.

Our ecumenical Christian community celebrates freedom in Christ and fosters a nurturing environment through small a-la-carte classes such as Nature Journaling, Forest School, and Handicrafts, as well as academic subjects like Latin, Spanish, and dual-enrollment humanities. Our college-preparatory Math and Science courses encourage students to behold the order and beauty of creation.

We invite your family to join us as we spread a broad, wholesome, and beautiful intellectual feast for our students.

Online High School Alveary Class

I'd like to gauge interest for a 10th grade group who use the Alveary curriculum. The class would be weekly, during which 10th Grade Alveary Students discuss several different school subjects that were studied that previous week. Each week would feature different subjects in the curriculum, with the goal of covering each subject at least twice. Students would eventually be in charge of leading the discussions on their assigned week.

Will you have a 10th grader that would benefit from this type of class? I'd like to see if there's enough interest to have 10th grade only, but if there is not enough, I may open it up to include 9th or 11th graders and only cover those subjects that are shared among the combined grades.

Please respond with ideas and/or interest.

Shakopee, MN

A.B.L.E. Homeschool Community Co-op

We are a cooperative community of Christian Charlotte Mason home educators who believe that delightful wisdom acquisition is accessible to students of ALL abilities! Whether a special learner or a traditional learner, we aim to help each child delight in the joy-filled journey of lifelong learning through: cultivating wonder in God’s creation, developing servant-hearted leaders, providing grace-filled discipleship, pursuing excellence in academics and enjoyment of life lived fully together!

Charlotte’s Web Online Co-op

Charlotte's Web Co-op provides a safe learning environment for children in grades 4th and up to learn and share ideas with others with teachers who have a passion for their subject area. Following Mason’s philosophy of learning, lectures are not present here but serve as a guide to help facilitate the class in the children’s pursuit of knowledge. Knowing that many do not have the opportunity to meet locally we hope to bridge the gap. We also desire to share the load with moms who are feeling overloaded in having to provide the full feast Mason describes. We want to partner with you and help provide a well-rounded education for your children.

Living Education Lessons

You are warmly invited to participate in my offering, Living Education Lessons, a group mentoring experience. This little community is something unique for women who wish to homeschool using the Charlotte Mason method and live a full life. I believe these things can go hand-in-hand, but sometimes we need thoughtful and unhurried guidance from someone who has gone before – a mentor. I will share about my decades of experience from homeschooling with Charlotte Mason methods, creating an atmosphere of beauty and respect in my home, and nurturing relationships with God, my family, and friends. As a small community, each Season you will find kindred spirits to encourage you, walk beside you, and help keep you moving forward. Hundreds of women over the past few years have participated in these living classes.

Windom, MN

Truth, Beauty, Goodness Community

The Truth, Beauty, Goodness Community (TBG) is our long-standing (over 14 years!), beauty-filled offering of a homeschool community built on one particular philosophy of education – that of Charlotte Mason. At different times, we have had all ages in our co-op, only elementary age students, and only high school students. We love to share and encourage others who wish to start learning cooperatives where many hands (teachers) make light work and allow moms to implement the fullness of a Charlotte Mason education.

Visit our webpage for more information and resources that we love to share! Presently, we have a Form 3-6 group (TBG Teens) and a Forms 1-3 group (Spreading the Feast).