
Cherry Hills Village, CO

Hammersmith School

A Charlotte Mason homeschool co-op which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays and covers subjects such as Bible, history, artist study, nature study, music, writing, and more for middle school students

Traverse City, MI

Awaken: a Living Books Educational Conference

An encouraging and equipping weekend of Immersions and workshops featuring speakers, A Delectable Education, Michelle Howard the Living Books Lady, Jessica Becker and Kelsi Rea.

Tyler, TX

Ambleside Homeschool Cooperative East Texas

We meet in Tyler TX and surrounding area, every week.
We alternate between classes and nature study

We have a wide variety of classes and our goal is to meet parents where they need help the most. We train parents so that they will feel confident teaching classes.

Our Goals and Future Goals
1. Co-op that meets every other week for classes
2. Nature Study on the off weeks
3. Monthly Charlotte Mason book discussion group
4. A Night of Recitation (name is tbd) which will be held during various times of theyear which will focus on wisdom from scripture, poetry, songs, soliloquy’s, folk dancing and excerpts from literature. Some themes could be Christmastide, For Love of Country, Poems and Songs of History, Comedy, Summer. This event will be opened to other local homeschoolers.
5. An annual craft fair with items made by students that are of high quality and craftsmanship.

South Bend, IN

Living Books Conference

A living books conference featuring A Delectable Education, Truth Quest History, Michelle Howard, Kelsi Rea of Heritage Christian Academy. Friday Immersion classes, and workshops Saturday. A Whole Foods menu.