
Shelbyville, KY

New CM Group – Shelbyville, KY Area

My name is Heather and I'm moving to Eminence, KY (north of Shelbyville) in May 2024. I would like to start up a Charlotte Mason Group in this general area, as I don't see an existing group here on the CM In Community website.

I plan to start a weekly Nature Study with my kids (including nature walk, nature journaling, read-aloud) and probably sing a hymn and read a poem. I'm planning to get started right away and meet all summer long, right into the next school year. We have four children, ages 9, 6, 4, and 2.

If any mums want to gather monthly for a Mom's Night Out, I'd be happy to host starting in the fall. We could read through Miss Mason's volumes, read other great books, study the principles together, etc.

Please let me know if you'd like to join us! We'd love for some families to learn along with us, and help us get to know this new area! We're up for traveling to parks and outdoor spots in between Louisville and Lexington.