
Norris, TN

First Friday Nature Study Group

Once a month nature study meet up. Currently one parent and two AO Year 2 students (moving into AO Year 3 in August 2024), but we'd love to get more people involved.
Meet on the first Friday of the month at 10 am at the Rice Grist Mill down from Norris Dam. We will walk along the trail up the creek to the picnic area, and then have time for nature study and play. Bring your nature study materials (paper, drawing utensils, identification tools) and clothes to get messy in.
Leave at 11 or bring a bagged lunch to stay and play for a little while.

Sutton, NH

Co-op, nature group, book club

I would love to start a Charlotte Mason co-op, nature study/hiking group, and/or a mom's book club. I've been a part of all three in the past, and I've loved my experiences! If you'd like to join me in building a CM community in the Sunapee region, please reach out. My kids are in elementary school and below, but I would welcome friendships with moms that have older kids too!

Aberdeen, WA

Simply Schooling Outdoor Co-op

We are an outdoor co-op that studies a different environment every year. We meet weekly on Thursdays April to October. About half our members are CM parents, while many are curious. No cost to join.
2022 - Beach life
2023 - Watershed environment
2024 - Field & Farm
2025 - Forest
Cycle will repeat

We also have a small mother's book club that reads books pertaining to CM parenting ideas. We did the CM Volumes 2018 to 2020, but hope to go through them in future. I think we will start in Fall 2024 with Volume 6.

Boise, ID

Treasure Valley Charlotte Mason Community (TVCMC)

The Treasure Valley Charlotte Mason Community is a private Facebook group for anyone who is currently using CM educational philosophy in their homeschool AND for those who are just beginning, and even just curious about the Charlotte Mason Method. We accept all faiths and backgrounds, you don't have to be a member of any faith, or a specific church, to join and participate <3 As a heads up, leadership will openly speak about their Christian faith and other members may as well, but *ALL* are welcome! Our events run March - November, and we take a Sabbath break December - February, to give our families time to slow down and our TVCMC Committee time to plan the upcoming year. There are monthly: 1st Friday Nature Journaling, 2nd Tuesday Park Days, 3rd Wednesday Coffee & Conversations (parents only - both philosophical and practical CM conversations!), and we aim for monthly Field Trips (typically on the 3rd or 4th Friday, but that's subject to be flexible as it depends on the venue). We also host an annual CM 101 Event (please see separate CMIC entry) for interested or new to CM homeschoolers. Local CM co-op(s), nature groups, hiking groups, and other groups of interest are encouraged to post and set up events when they have Open Houses / Info Nights. Registrations for the upcoming school year typically occur during April / May, prior to a new school year starting, so please look for those in the spring! Our Facebook page is a great place to connect with local CM families and get plugged in. We also have multiple CM book clubs reading through her volumes, and we always support and encourage parents to join, or start one. If you need assistance with that, please post a question, or send a pm to an admin. If you'd like more information, even if you're not on social media, please email us at TVCMC.contact@gmail.com