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Group for parents and students
Charlotte Mason Group Vancouver, WA
We would love to find more Charlotte Mason homeschoolers in the Vancouver and surrounding area!
In this group we are all Christian families, and we currently meet for nature outings and have monthly book discussions as we read through Charlotte's volumes. We would like to grow into a CM co-op, please reach out if this fits what you're looking for!
Group for parents and students
Engaged Education Community
A ministry offering community and support for homeschooling families choosing the rich and gentle method of a living education.
“We hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind.” -Charlotte Mason
Our hope is to gather in the name of Jesus with purpose. The purpose of fellowship as students learn together on Thursdays and share the same living education. As we meet, the children will take part in natural and challenging discovery, group projects and discussion as they have similar booklists throughout their education.
EEC will offer a tailored curriculum for families using Ambleside Online, a free booking and resource for families regardless of their participation in EEC.
EEC will offer regular support throughout the year to all educators and learners interested in Charlotte Mason philosophy and method of education.
(**2022-Summer workshops Thursdays 9am-11am through July 26th**:)
School Schedule: :
Thursdays, 9am-2pm
Group for parents
Whole Hearted Educators
We are a group of CM focused mamas, who meet once a month to study CM principals (this year we are studying Volume III). For participating members, you have access to our living book library (for a small cost).
Please message to inquire for more info.
Group for parents and students
Johnson County, Indiana’s BRAND NEW FUTURE GROUP???
Hey there!
I am interested in starting a Charlotte Mason group in Johnson County, Indiana.
If you are in this area, or near it and willing to travel, please let me know! It would be a mother's group - furthering education on Charlotte Mason, a nature group, and possibly enrichment for our children.
I have had this in my heart and mind for some time now & would love to hear from you if you would be able to join in this area!!!
Group for parents and students
Weekly co-op for lifestyle of learning
A CM drop-off/cooperative that meets twice a month to support Truth, beauty, goodness.
Group for parents and students
Charlotte Mason Nature and science group
I invite you to join in an nature and science group with me! We can go to nearby wetland and other habitats, we are trilingual group with English, Mandarin and Spanish.
Group for parents and students
Willow Creek Gathers Co-op
Our co-op is a mother-led co-op of families that are involved to teach and support each other's children and parents. We laugh together, as well as cry together because that's what this group has become, community united and linked like a family.
We are a group in the upstate of SC, meeting in Duncan, to provide a living education, education is the science of relations. We view children as a complete person and teach them with rich curriculum and help them grow with gentle formation of knowledge and character. Charlotte Mason summed up her teaching in three words, beautiful, expansive, and efficient.
Outside of co-op days, we want to 'do life' with each other and connect frequently. In addition, the moms meet regularly for the sake of the children to learn more about the Charlotte Mason method as well as strengthen our bonds. Family nights are also offered as it's vital for the whole family to have a supportive community and socialization.
Group for parents
Philadelphia Charlotte Mason Reading Group
I host a Charlotte Mason Reading Group monthly in my home in Philadelphia, PA. We are a group of Philly-based Charlotte Mason homeschooling mothers committed to learning and growing. We read through CM's volumes each month and come together to discuss her philosophy and how to implement her living ideas of education. Meetings are on a weeknight from 7:30-9pm. We welcome anyone interested in reading the volumes and discussing Charlotte Mason with us!
Group for parents and students
The Faithful Feast – A Charlotte Mason Co-op
We meet on a bi-weekly basis during the school year. Meetings are an informal, low-stress opportunity for mothers and children to build community while practicing a Charlotte Mason education. Activities may include recitation, learning a folk song, doing a picture study, drawing in a nature journal, and working on handicrafts together. We also study Latin and Spanish together. Activities are designed to interest and accommodate students from a variety of ages, including younger siblings.
Group for parents and students
Lark Rise School
Lark Rise School is dedicated to advancing the educational principles of Charlotte Mason by supporting educators and families through classes, conferences, discussion groups, and other local and online opportunities.
We are currently transitioning from Florida to North Carolina, and looking to connect with the local homeschool community before introducing new groups and programs in the area.
Group for parents
Educating Mothers Book Club
Educating Mothers is a robust book discussion group for women ready to approach the work of education with reverence and dedication. All levels of experience are represented and welcome in this growing community, as we apply ourselves to understand and practice Mason's educational method. We meet in the Kendall area, 7PM-10PM on the last Thursday of each month (excluding December) to discuss the assigned reading. This group is open to the public, and does not require a membership or purchase. Please contact us to join our email list and receive reading assignments and meeting details.
Group for parents and students
Williamsburg CM Group
I’m Interested in leading a CM group that meets weekly and learns Shakespeare, art and nature study. Open to learning a language together or other academic study. Reach out if you are interested in meeting weekly and perhaps doing one nature walk a month.
Group for parents and students
Central TX Charlotte Mason
Closed through fall of 2025.
Group of moms and students meeting together at a local park to talk through Charlotte Mason volumes while students do afternoon occupations.
Group for parents and students
The True, Good, and Beautiful Community
We are a small group of dedicated families with kids in preschool through 7th grade (all are welcome though!) meeting on the South Shore to learn and celebrate life together. Our days can include singing, Shakespeare, geography, composer study, handicrafts, Plutarch, or nature study, depending on the desires and skill sets of our families. We would love to hear from you!
Group for parents
CM Study Group
Monthly moms' meet up for book study and "mother culture." Typically 2nd and 4th Wednesday around 7pm. Meets in homes in greater Concord NH. Working through CM's volumes. Bi-weekly, seasonally dependent Nature Study / Handicrafts / Shakespeare Reader's Theater / Writing Club have formed out of this group also.
Group for parents and students
Charlotte Mason Enthusiast of Rockingham County Va
Looking to start a Charlotte Mason group here in Rockingham County, Va. Could be a weekly meetup or less frequent depending on schedules. Thinking of park visits and field trips and having a Living Books Club for moms and children. Let me know if you'd have any interest!
Group for parents and students
Charlotte Mason Nature Group
We are a group of Charlotte Mason home educators and students of all ages that meet every Friday at 10am at various trails and parks in the Coeur d’Alene, ID area (and we also have a group that meets in the Spokane, WA area too) to explore nature together. We read through Charlotte Mason’s works on all things nature study and out-of-doors life together and we encourage nature journaling as well. We have a mom’s night out once a month and there are smaller groups within this community that are reading through Charlotte Mason’s original home education series together as well. Come join our community if you love Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and want to get out in nature with others!
Group for parents and students
Tomball /Magnolia/Woodlands Charlotte Mason moms group
We are a group of like minded Charlotte Mason mothers that meet monthly to discuss her volumes and other homeschool related books! We also love to meet for nature hikes and nature journal.
a majority of us use Ambleside Online and it would be a bonus!
Group for parents and students
Life with Living Books: A Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschool Community
Life with Living Books: A Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschool Community: This is a group for Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschoolers in the greater Lake Norman area of North Carolina. If you follow the ideas and philosophies of Charlotte Mason in your Lake Norman area homeschool or if you want to learn mare about doing so this is the community for you. Find out more on our Facebook page-
Group for parents and students
Sacramento Nature Outing
I'm looking to start a CM Nature Outing and possibly a mom's group for "Schole" and learning together. I envision the Nature Outing meeting 3 times a month (Tues 12-3 OR Fri 11-2) with a monthly mom's night (2nd Monday evening @ 7pm). I have 5 girls and have been homeschooling for 12 years, was homeschooled myself, and have 12 years to go, as my little just entered kindergarten. We recently moved to Sacramento and I'm looking forward to making new friends and adventuring in the NorCal beauty of creation. Let's explore the beauty of Sacramento together.
Group for parents and students
Cherrydale Wednesdays
A bi-weekly Charlotte Mason co-op in Arlington, VA.
Group for parents
Albany CM Study Group
Meet once a month, typically at 7pm on the second Thursday of each month to discuss Mason's philosophy through her writings, PR articles, and relevant podcasts. This group is built to be accessible for those new to the philosophy but also supportive for experienced Charlotte Mason home educators. We meet outside whenever possible!
Group for parents and students
Oregon Charlotte Mason Westside
Group for Christian Charlotte Mason home educators in and around Hillsboro, Oregon. Looking to put together a weekly meet-up for summer, with hopes of creating a weekly afternoon TBG group for the school year.
Group for parents and students
Michigan Talk and Walk
Looking for a few families who might want to read Mason's Volumes together and do some nature exploring.
Group for parents and students
Indianapolis Charlotte Mason Community (ICMC)
We're a small community of homeschooling parents seeking to learn and grow in the Charlotte mason philosophy through our reading group and co-op.