reading group

John Day, OR

Mother Culture Club

A monthly book club for moms only. We read a wide variety of books including fiction, education philosophy, parenting, and more.


Johnson County, Indiana’s BRAND NEW FUTURE GROUP???

Hey there!

I am interested in starting a Charlotte Mason group in Johnson County, Indiana.

If you are in this area, or near it and willing to travel, please let me know! It would be a mother's group - furthering education on Charlotte Mason, a nature group, and possibly enrichment for our children.

I have had this in my heart and mind for some time now & would love to hear from you if you would be able to join in this area!!!

Miami, FL

Educating Mothers Book Club

Educating Mothers is a robust book discussion group for women ready to approach the work of education with reverence and dedication. All levels of experience are represented and welcome in this growing community, as we apply ourselves to understand and practice Mason's educational method. We meet in the Kendall area, 7PM-10PM on the last Thursday of each month (excluding December) to discuss the assigned reading. This group is open to the public, and does not require a membership or purchase. Please contact us to join our email list and receive reading assignments and meeting details.

Georgetown, TX

Central TX Charlotte Mason

Closed through fall of 2025.

Group of moms and students meeting together at a local park to talk through Charlotte Mason volumes while students do afternoon occupations.

Concord, NH

CM Study Group

Monthly moms' meet up for book study and "mother culture." Typically 2nd and 4th Wednesday around 7pm. Meets in homes in greater Concord NH. Working through CM's volumes. Bi-weekly, seasonally dependent Nature Study / Handicrafts / Shakespeare Reader's Theater / Writing Club have formed out of this group also.

Hillsboro, OR

Oregon Charlotte Mason Westside

Group for Christian Charlotte Mason home educators in and around Hillsboro, Oregon. Looking to put together a weekly meet-up for summer, with hopes of creating a weekly afternoon TBG group for the school year.

Bowie, MD

Bowie-Laurel Discussion Group

This group meets monthly to discuss Mason’s writings and share strategies for employing her methods in schooling and raising our children. Currently we are studying volume 6, A Philosophy of Education.

Springfield, MO

Charlotte Mason Reading Group

A group for parents who want to read and discuss the volumes of Charlotte Mason, and share their experiences using the Charlotte Mason method in the Springfield, MO area.

Pella, IA

Charlotte Mason Book Group

We are reading through Charlotte Mason's volumes together. We meet once a month to discuss a chapter or two from the current volume. New members are always welcome.

Greenville, SC

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate

Find us on FB at Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate. Mamas meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm to read and discuss CM’s Original Series; book club families are invited to join monthly group nature studies. Visitors always welcome to the book group, and the FB page is also a lovely place to connect with local families pursuing a CM way of life. Group has existed and grown since January 2016!