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Easthampton, MA

Group for parents and students

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Learning Community

We are a Charlotte Mason Learning Community in Western Massachusetts that meets three times a week during the school year for lessons in community. Parents are registered as homeschoolers and keep their own records. Pre-K-8th grades

Waco, TX

Group for parents

Charlotte Mason Community in Waco, Texas

We are a loosely knit group of parents who are working to use CM philosophy in our homeschools. But Waco has many opportunities for a CM educator to connect with others who are CM educators!

At the center is a Charlotte Mason Study Group of both new and seasoned homeschooling mothers and co-op and school educators meets one Monday evening a month to discuss Mason’s volumes. All mothers and women educators are welcome to join our warm, humble, inspiring, focused, and encouraging atmosphere, finding camaraderie with others seeking to implement a Charlotte Mason philosophy in homes and schools. Join us, also, to ask about opportunities to connect further with the Charlotte Mason community in the Waco area.

There are other groups that have grown from this core group. And they are all wonderfully organic in their growth.

Monett, MO

Living Books Library for parents and students

Literary Legacy Library

Living books library in Monett, MO

Houston, TX

Living Books Library for parents and students

Meriadoc Homeschool Library

Meriadoc Homeschool Library, with a collection of more than 10,000 excellent books, is the place for homeschoolers in the Clear Lake/Friendswood/Webster/Houston, TX area to borrow books and curriculum for homeschooling with living books.. Any homeschooling family is welcome to join Meriadoc Homeschool Library for a nominal yearly fee.