nature study

Holly Springs, NC

Among the Oaks | An NC Triangle Area Charlotte Mason Gathering

Among the Oaks is a gathering of Charlotte Mason home educators and their children in the Triangle Area of North Carolina who seek to experience that which is true, good, and beautiful together through time in nature. We meet weekly and offer Riches Days, a mother's book club, and regular hikes.

Morristown, TN

CM group

Group for parents and students. Looking for other CM families to join us for a CM book study, nature study and TBG gathering.

Grandview, TX

Chambers Creek Scholè

We are a *new* Charlotte Mason homeschool group in Johnson County that meets in Grandview, Texas.

Looking for families of middle schoolers in Form 2 & 3 (grades 4-8).

We are currently following the AmblesideOnline rotation for Shakespeare, Plutarch, and composer & artist study.

Chambers Creek Scholé seeks to foster community among fellow Charlotte Mason families -- gathering to read Shakespeare, study Latin, practice nature observation, share skills, and enjoy the great outdoors.

Monroe, CT

Skylarks Rise – A Classical Charlotte Mason Community in Connecticut

This group seeks to prioritize Christ-centered community, feasting on living ideas in the classical tradition of Charlotte Mason. We seek fellowship in the pursuit of the knowledge of God, man, and the universe.

This group will adhere to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, i.e., the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed. As parent educators, we hold that "God, the Holy Spirit, is Himself the supreme Educator of mankind." (Mason, Parents and Children, 275).

We meet every other week on Tuesdays for lessons during the Fall and Spring Terms. Lesson Days include a group Morning Liturgy followed by Form lessons. The group works off of Ambleside Online's Folk, Hymn, Shakespeare and Plutarch rotations. On "off-weeks" and during Winter Term we schedule hikes and field trips. Mother's will periodically read and discuss Mason's volumes, Parent Review articles, CM books, and participate in CM themed conferences.

Lancaster, PA

Norlanco Outdoor Co-op

We meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons at rotating nature trails. Our main purpose is to spend time outdoors with others. We do incorporate monthly opportunities for students to share their Recitations, as well as incorporating nature journaling. Occasionally we will do field trips or moms only evenings.

Charleston, WV

Starting a Group in Charleston, WV

My family recently moved to Charleston, WV and as far as I can tell there isn’t a local CM group. I’d like to start a gathering for children and their families.

I envision beginning with a fortnightly nature study/walk to let our children delight in the wonder and beauty of creation. I’d also like to offer a monthly meet up for mums to read through Charlotte’s volumes or other related material.

If you are interested in joining, please sing out!

Charleston, WV

Hoping to Start a Group in Charleston, WV

My family has recently moved to Charleston, WV and as far as I can tell there are no CM groups nearby, so I would like to start one!

I envision this group beginning with a fortnightly (every other week) nature study/walk for our children to delight in the wonder of creation and enjoy one another’s company. I would also like to offer a monthly meet up for mums to read and discuss Charlotte’s volumes or other related content. I would be happy to discuss expanding from that starting point!

If you are interested, please sing out!

Grand Bay, AL

Fort Lake Acres Lending Library

*Small but growing library of wholesome, living books
*Curriculum that you can preview before deciding to buy.
*30 day checkouts with NO late fees.
*Homeschooling, Curriculum, Planning, and Education Advice/Consulting at no additional charge.

Lucedale, MS

W.I.L.D. Cooperative

We are a group of families striving to instill a love for God and His creation as we educate our children in the Charlotte Mason fashion. Nature Study is the bedrock of our co-op and we are adding other classes this year such as Nature Journaling.

Maryville, TN

Maryville CM Group

We are a new CM group in Maryville, TN. We are looking to start a CM book reading meeting, playdates, and possibly a co-op. We would love for others who are interested in CM education or who are already involved in CM living to join us as we get to know each other and grow a community of like minded families.