Charlotte mason moms

Winter Springs, FL

Charlotte Mason Study Group

We meet one evening a month to discuss Charlotte Mason's writing and discuss how to apply it to our homeschools.

New Waterford, OH

Engaged Education Community

A ministry offering community and support for homeschooling families choosing the rich and gentle method of a living education.

“We hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind.” -Charlotte Mason

Our hope is to gather in the name of Jesus with purpose. The purpose of fellowship as students learn together on Thursdays and share the same living education. As we meet, the children will take part in natural and challenging discovery, group projects and discussion as they have similar booklists throughout their education.

EEC will offer a tailored curriculum for families using Ambleside Online, a free booking and resource for families regardless of their participation in EEC.

EEC will offer regular support throughout the year to all educators and learners interested in Charlotte Mason philosophy and method of education.


(**2022-Summer workshops Thursdays 9am-11am through July 26th**:)

School Schedule: :

Thursdays, 9am-2pm

Miami, FL

Educating Mothers Book Club

Educating Mothers is a robust book discussion group for women ready to approach the work of education with reverence and dedication. All levels of experience are represented and welcome in this growing community, as we apply ourselves to understand and practice Mason's educational method. We meet in the Kendall area, 7PM-10PM on the last Thursday of each month (excluding December) to discuss the assigned reading. This group is open to the public, and does not require a membership or purchase. Please contact us to join our email list and receive reading assignments and meeting details.

Georgetown, TX

Central TX Charlotte Mason

Closed through fall of 2025.

Group of moms and students meeting together at a local park to talk through Charlotte Mason volumes while students do afternoon occupations.

Canby, OR

Charlotte Mason NW

Charlotte Mason NW facilitates community and encouragement though annual conferences in the Pacific Northwest. Please visit the website and join our mailing list to stay updated on future events.

Greenville, SC

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate

Find us on FB at Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate. Mamas meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm to read and discuss CM’s Original Series; book club families are invited to join monthly group nature studies. Visitors always welcome to the book group, and the FB page is also a lovely place to connect with local families pursuing a CM way of life. Group has existed and grown since January 2016!

Frederick, MD

Frederick County MD CM Book Club

We meet through monthly to discuss Charlotte's volumes and other books related to her philosophy.

Huntingtown, MD

The Southern Maryland Discussion Group

The Southern Maryland Discussion Group is using the "Start Here" study guide by Brandy Vencel, which covers each of Charlotte Mason's 20 principles. We meet in Huntingtown, MD.

No meeting in December
January 8th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th

Weekend of Living Ideas

Milford, IA

Weekend of Living Ideas

The Weekend of Living Ideas is a soulful opportunity for parents and educators from a variety of backgrounds to retreat together as we explore and experience the living ideas that surround the educational philosophy and methods of Charlotte Mason. Reshelving Alexandria co-founder Ambre Sautter will be inspiring you about living books. Other topics include Russian Fine Arts, Mothers As Students, Scheduling, Spanish Poetry, and more! Nancy Kelly will be presenting a special pre-retreat immersion that applies to all ages and plenary sessions on The Cloud of Witness, Admiration, Hope and Love, and High School, as well as a workshop on Plutarch. And special bonus, Kent will be there with his blacksmithing gear! Students 12 and older are invited to register with their parents and nursing children are welcome.

Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls area Mason Book Study

*Moms monthly book study.
*Follow Art Middlekauf's 2 year, 6 volume Mason reading schedule.
*2nd Tuesday, 7-9pm