
Burton, OH

Potential Group Burton, OH

Gathering interest in future events. My children and I would like to gather with a local community of Christian Charlotte Mason-style parents and students in NE Ohio to do nature walks, discuss books and eventually participate in folk dancing and other creative and pleasant activities, as we explore Truth, Beauty, and Goodness together.

Richland, WA

Charlotte Mason Discussion Group, Tri-Cities, WA

We are a group of moms using Charlotte Mason's principles in our homeschools. We meet about once a month to discuss books on Miss Mason's principles. We are currently reading Volume 2: Parents and Children. We also meet for summer park days and occasional nature hikes.

CM Phoenix Facebook Group

An online gathering place for CM homeschool families in and around Phoenix, Arizona.

CM Early Years in Phoenix

This group is for moms of children ages 0-6 who are taking a gentle Charlotte Mason approach to these early years.

Charlotte Mason Phoenix Website

Our website is a simple place for sharing local CM opportunities in and around Phoenix, Arizona.

Fairfax, VA

Charlotte Mason Northern Virginia

We are a CM mothers group that meets Thursdays 1:30pm-4:00pm for discussion of CM principles while the kids play in a large backyard or park in Vienna (2x/month). The other weeks of the month we meet for free play in various parks in the Fairfax County area.

Living Education Lessons

You are warmly invited to participate in my offering, Living Education Lessons, a group mentoring experience. This little community is something unique for women who wish to homeschool using the Charlotte Mason method and live a full life. I believe these things can go hand-in-hand, but sometimes we need thoughtful and unhurried guidance from someone who has gone before – a mentor. I will share about my decades of experience from homeschooling with Charlotte Mason methods, creating an atmosphere of beauty and respect in my home, and nurturing relationships with God, my family, and friends. As a small community, each Season you will find kindred spirits to encourage you, walk beside you, and help keep you moving forward. Hundreds of women over the past few years have participated in these living classes.

Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins Nature Hike Group


I'm a CM (Ambleside Online) mom who leads a weekly hiking group for moms and kids in & around Fort Collins, CO. Some weeks we have 2 moms + kids, and some weeks we have 5-7 families joining us. Very low key, but consistent! Kids range in age from 4-10 ish, some hikes are stroller friendly and some are not. If hiking & nature study are your thing, we'd love for you to join us! (Thursdays at 1:30, year-round)

Randburg, GP

The Olives

... your children will be like olive shoots around your table. " (Psalm 128:3)

We are a community of Charlotte Mason homeschooling mamas and children named "The Olives".
I started this group some years ago (with just one other family) when we moved to Johannesburg, South Africa. My prayer was to find community, to build friendships, to support each other and to learn together..

God has been faithful and we are now a community of nine families! Our group is blessed by so many different strengths and talents and each mama and child bring something precious to it.

We meet every second Friday for a couple of hours to sing folksongs, read poetry and to do nature study together.

Mums also meet for a monthly book study and we have family gatherings at the end of the year.

Fredericksburg, TX

Avenue Kindergarten

The Avenue Kindergarten is a multi-aged kindergarten serving children ages 4-6 in the Texas Hill Country. The Avenue, a play-based kindergarten of the Charlotte Mason tradition, recognizes the fullness of each child and offers children rich nurturing through nature, art, literature, music and the cultivation of relationships with one other and within our community. Outdoor adventures, singing, poetry and play are some of the distinctives woven into the fabric of each day.