
San Mateo, CA

Open House – Learning pod for 1st -3rd graders

Dear family in Jesus, :)

My husband, Peter, is the teacher for this pod. He is trained under Ampleside. And Joanna is the mom who is hosting it in her home. You will find her lovely blog here:

The reason I’m excited to share this learning pod opportunity with families is because I think that they would appreciate its uniquely nurturing and Christ centered setting. Because it is very small, the children receive quality attention to help them flourish in every way. The learning experience encourages them to interact with Jesus in every moment and idea as they discover their full and beautiful design in His likeness.

Look forward to meeting you and your child in person! I will have the pleasure and honor to be spending time with the little ones during open house. I have been practicing as a psychotherapist for more than 15 years.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this and please do share widely!

San Mateo, CA

summer program / 2025-26 – 1st to 3rd graders learning pod

Dear family in Jesus, :)

My husband, Peter, is the teacher for this pod. He is trained under Ampleside. And Joanna is the mom who is hosting it in her home. You will find her lovely blog here:

The reason I’m excited to share this learning pod opportunity with families is because I think that they would appreciate its uniquely nurturing and Christ centered setting. Because it is very small, the children receive quality attention to help them flourish in every way. The learning experience encourages them to interact with Jesus in every moment and idea as they discover their full and beautiful design in His likeness.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this and please do share widely!

Danvers, MA


Ambleside-by-the-Sea is a parent-led, two-day-a-week homeschool collaborative providing students from preschool through high school years with a Charlotte Mason education. We use living books, narration, and short lessons that spread a wide “feast” across varied subjects. We seek to provide an environment that allows our children to come into direct contact with vital and living ideas from great minds, and to nurture students in forming relations with all that is about them in substance and idea: in words, music, art, science, nature, mathematics, and all that is good, true, and beautiful.

We cover subjects including:
Math Drill / Math Lab / Math Games
Natural History / Science / Nature Notebooking
U.S. History
Ancient History
Plutarch’s ‘Lives’ (Forms III & IV)
Children’s Plutarch (Form II)
Geography / Map Drill / Map Making
Poetry / Recitation
Latin (Forms III & IV)
Music / Folk Dancing / Composer Study
Art / Artist Study
P.E.: Swedish Drill

We also have additional events together as a community including three book club meetings each year for all ages, and one or two handicraft fairs.

Because our intent is to cover academic subjects as well as those subjects often considered “enrichment subjects,” we meet twice weekly and in some ways function similarly to a “university model school;" families can structure their days at home to fill in around the spines and core subjects we cover on our days together. Upper form students have several assignments to complete during their days at home, including literature and writing assignments, and science readings in preparation for science experiments done together.

Ambleside-by-the-Sea moms also meet monthly to read and discuss Charlotte Mason's volumes, and we are always happy to have more people join us!

Charlotte, NC

Charlotte Mason Study Group (CMSG)

WHO: The CMSG promotes Mother Culture through a community of parents that reads through a rotation of Charlotte Mason’s volumes.

WHEN: We meet monthly in the homes of our gracious hostesses in various regional locations to discuss the assigned readings.

WHAT: We focus on one book at a time to examine deeply the wisdom and philosophy of the author. We offer mutual encouragement and support in our homeschooling journeys.

WHY: We are ‘waking up to our duties and in proportion as mothers become more educated and efficient, they will doubtless feel the more strongly that the education of their children during the first six years of life (and beyond) is an undertaking hardly to be entrusted to any hands but their own. And they will take up as their profession—that is, with the diligence, regularity, and punctuality which men (and women) bestow on their professional labours. That the mother may know what she is about, may come thoroughly furnished to her work, she should have something more than an acquaintance with the theory of education, and with those conditions of the child’s nature upon which such theory rests. “ (Volume 1 pg. 2-3)

Join us to ‘keep growing and filling our minds’ as we study the writings of Charlotte Mason. We have multiple regional groups in Mecklenburg County. To find a location near you or for more information, email us at

Alvin, TX

Nature Study Club

We are a group of Charlotte Mason homeschooling mothers and their children who meet bi-monthly to study and appreciate nature together. We are based in Brazoria County and use the Handbook of Nature Study to guide our learning. After a discussion about our topic and an object lesson, kids get the opportunity to play and explore outdoors. Then the group enjoys a sack lunch together.

Open to home-schooled students ages six and up and their younger siblings. This is not a drop-off program. There is no cost to attend. Lessons will be taught from a Christian perspective.

Mahtomedi, MN

Wholehearted Collective

We offer Charlotte Mason drop off homeschool classes, a mother-child preschool, support nights and experiences for mothers, and drop off day camps for Minnesota and western Wisconsin homeschool families. Classes meet at Katherine Abbott Park in Mahtomedi, MN on Thursdays 9am-12pm. We also offer a free weekly nature group, with guided adventures in the most inspiring and delightful locations we can find every Monday and Wednesday afternoon, mostly in the east metro. With the Wholehearted Collective you can expect to enjoy hidden waterfalls, beautiful forest clearings, surprising little trails, and quiet beaches, away from crowds and chaos. We host monthly community dinners, group camping trips, date nights, and more. Drop in anytime to make lasting friendships by adventuring together.

Austin, TX

Rooted & Grounded: A Charlotte Mason Conference

We're excited to present Rooted & Grounded: A Charlotte Mason Conference featuring the inspiring Amber O'Neal Johnston, renowned author, speaker, blogger, and Charlotte Mason educator! 📚✨

📅 It’s on October 10–11, 2024 - Thursday evening and Friday morning

📍It’ll be on our campus. We’re located at 1844 Teri Road, Austin, TX 78744.

The conference focus is “Sparking Curiosity and Delight in Childhood.” We’ll explore a path that supports academic growth while sparking curiosity in childhood. Learn how to spread an inspiring feast of ideas and come alongside your kids and students as they dive deeply into the passions and interests that make them come alive!

📝 To learn more and register, visit our Eventbrite page - We’d be so grateful if you could share about the conference with your community!

As an expression of our gratitude for sharing the event, we’d love to offer your school/group/community a $10 discount. The discount code is ThankYou.

About Our Keynote Speaker - Amber O'Neal Johnston

Amber O’Neal Johnston is an author, speaker, and Charlotte Mason home educator who blends life-giving books and a culturally rich environment for her four children and others seeking to do the same. She recommends we offer children opportunities to see themselves and others reflected in their lessons, especially throughout their books, and she’s known for sharing literary “mirrors and windows” on and @heritagemomblog (IG & FB). Amber is also the author of Soul School: Taking Kids on a Joy-Filled Journey Through the Heart of Black American Culture, and A Place to Belong, a guide for families of all backgrounds to raise kids to celebrate their heritage, community, and the world.

Boonville, NY

Charlotte Mason Reading Group

Gathering interest in future events. Meetup area would be within 30 mins of Utica (Boonville, NY) I would love to gather with a local community of Charlotte Mason-style moms. We can meet monthly and deep dive into the Charlotte Mason volumes together.

Jonesboro, AR

NEA CM Book Club

Join Us for a Charlotte Mason Book Club! I’m excited to invite you to our Charlotte Mason book club, where we’ll delve into In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass before jumping into Charlotte Mason’s volumes. This book offers an introduction to Charlotte Mason’s principles and provides an overview of her ideas.

Book Club Schedule:
• September 10: Introduction & Chapters 1-4
• October 8: Chapters 5-9
• November 12: Chapters 10-14

Come for engaging discussions, shared insights, and the opportunity to connect with fellow Charlotte Mason educators. Whether you’re new to Mason’s methods or have been practicing them for years, we’d love to have you join us!

Please let me know if you can attend or if you have a friend who might be interested. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Lilburn, GA

Cornerstone Living Library

Cornerstone Living Library is a private lending library located in Lilburn, Georgia (Gwinnett county). We specialize in vintage and other living books that are difficult to find at the public library. We also offer regular events like storytimes and book clubs throughout the year as a way to encourage and facilitate relationships within the homeschool community. Library membership is $25 per family per year, and events are free to attend.