charlotte mason

Murfreesboro, TN

The Children’s Gathering

The Children's Gathering is our Short Morning of Lessons for Charlotte Mason Families.

We gather together every Friday morning for Hymn Singing, Old and New Testament Bible Recitations, a Psalm Recitation, and a Poetry Recitation. We also have a lesson in Physical Geography using Charlotte Mason's "Elementary Geography" along with Geography Walks. We are learning and practicing Swedish Drill together each week too.
We are reading and listening to Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" and "As You Like It". We are also studying Church History using "Trial and Triumph" by Richard Hannula. We end our morning of lessons together with a Folk Song.

If you are looking for other Charlotte Mason Families to learn and grow with, please let us know. We would love to have you join us! ❤️

“One more thing is of vital importance; children must have books, living books; the best are not too good for them; anything less than the best is not good enough....”

"Give children a wide range of subjects, with the end in view of establishing in each case some one or more of the relations I have indicated. Let them learn from first-hand sources of information--really good books, the best going, on the subject they are engaged upon. Let them get at the books themselves...books teeming with ideas fresh from the minds of thinkers upon every subject to which we can wish to introduce children. ”

~Charlotte Mason

Hardwick Township, NJ

Marksboro Charlotte Mason Christian Co-op

We are a homeschool co-op that meets on Wednesdays for 24 weeks from September to May. We aim to educate the whole child with good habits, great books, and guided discovery.  Good habits lead to good character, great books foster a love of learning and guided discovery makes learning stick. Visit our website for more information and to enroll.

Lubbock, TX

Live Oak Living Academy

At Live Oak Living Academy, we focus on training children how to learn rather than telling them what they should know. Who are we to say that we know everything? Our children were born in God's image just as we were and have the same ability to make connections between subjects. If we do not teach them how to strengthen this ability and learn for themselves, what is to prevent them from believing whatever they are told?

Here, at LOLA, we make it our mission to assist our parents in teaching their children right from wrong, training them to become habitual stewards of good self-discipline, and providing them with ideas in all fields of knowledge.

We seek to develop spiritual, social and academic maturity in young men and women as they move on to whichever path God may lay before them.

Holly Springs, NC

Among the Oaks | An NC Triangle Area Charlotte Mason Gathering

Among the Oaks is a gathering of Charlotte Mason home educators and their children in the Triangle Area of North Carolina who seek to experience that which is true, good, and beautiful together through time in nature. We meet weekly and offer Riches Days, a mother's book club, and regular hikes.

Morristown, TN

CM group

Group for parents and students. Looking for other CM families to join us for a CM book study, nature study and TBG gathering.

Monroe, CT

Skylarks Rise – A Classical Charlotte Mason Community in Connecticut

This group seeks to prioritize Christ-centered community, feasting on living ideas in the classical tradition of Charlotte Mason. We seek fellowship in the pursuit of the knowledge of God, man, and the universe.

This group will adhere to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, i.e., the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed. As parent educators, we hold that "God, the Holy Spirit, is Himself the supreme Educator of mankind." (Mason, Parents and Children, 275).

We meet every other week on Tuesdays for lessons during the Fall and Spring Terms. Lesson Days include a group Morning Liturgy followed by Form lessons. The group works off of Ambleside Online's Folk, Hymn, Shakespeare and Plutarch rotations. On "off-weeks" and during Winter Term we schedule hikes and field trips. Mother's will periodically read and discuss Mason's volumes, Parent Review articles, CM books, and participate in CM themed conferences.

Novato, CA

Charlotte Mason group

There are a few families in our area that homeschool with a Charlotte Mason method of education. We read Charlotte Mason's volumes and try to implement her gracious philosophy of education into our homes. We also have a local nature club, handicraft market, Shakespeare group, and Mother Culture book group, open to all homeschool families whether Charlotte Mason style or not. We hope to grow in our understanding of her philosophy and method of education and our hearts and minds are shaped by the feast of ideas through living books.

Pacifica, CA

Coastside Valley Homeschoolers

This Charlotte Mason Inspired group started with three moms in 2020. We read, we play, we have fun and learn along the way. Our children are in the elementary stage, but we do not discriminate. We currently plan on meeting up weekly on Mondays, possibly more. Looking forward to this year and what it brings!

Washington, UT

CM Study Group

Simple monthly meeting to discuss the book we are reading and CM philosophy and application.

Charleston, WV

Starting a Group in Charleston, WV

My family recently moved to Charleston, WV and as far as I can tell there isn’t a local CM group. I’d like to start a gathering for children and their families.

I envision beginning with a fortnightly nature study/walk to let our children delight in the wonder and beauty of creation. I’d also like to offer a monthly meet up for mums to read through Charlotte’s volumes or other related material.

If you are interested in joining, please sing out!