book discussion

Greenville, TX

Charlotte Mason Book Club

Our group begins reading through one of Mason’s volumes each summer. Parents and children meet at my home in Greenville Texas, bi-weekly. Children play outdoors while parents (and babies) stay inside to discuss the chapters.

During the school year, we transition to a parents-only monthly meeting, in the evenings, to finish the volume.

Readings are split up and assigned at the beginning of the summer. Feel free to jump in any time.

Maryville, TN

Maryville CM Group

We are a new CM group in Maryville, TN. We are looking to start a CM book reading meeting, playdates, and possibly a co-op. We would love for others who are interested in CM education or who are already involved in CM living to join us as we get to know each other and grow a community of like minded families.

Albuquerque, NM

Abq Charlotte Mason Book Group

We are a group of homeschoolers who are learning about Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy and how to apply it. Anyone interested in learning more about a Charlotte Mason education is welcome to join us.

Newborn, GA

Charlotte Mason Moms Reading Group

This moms book club is starting by reading through Mind to Mind by CM & Karen Glass. We are meeting Thursday evenings in the home of one of the members to build our understanding of CM philosophy & create a stronger homeschool community. We will share good conversation and a light meal. We hope to continue this meeting to read more of the volumes if interest persists.


Charlotte Mason Home Educators in Indiana

This is a Charlotte Mason support group for Home Educating Hoosiers! The goal is to have a community that collectively works towards sharing all the local resources Indiana has to offer relevant to the CM way of homeschooling, such as:

🌿 Nature Studies
🌿 Educational Events, Outings, & Field Trips
🌿 CM-Inspired Gatherings
🌿 Homeschool Conferences
🌿 Literature-based Learning Opportunities
🌿 Mother Culture
🌿 Book Clubs
🌿 Book Sales or Swaps

We ask members to join us in earnestly seeking to learn and pursue CM's educational model and foster this community. Miss Mason has offered us such a sacred way of learning, and as parents we're gifted the opportunity to help each other retain this way of living. Some ways we expect members to do so include:

🌿 Contribute by sharing resources such as those mentioned above
🌿 Actively pursue and learn the CM methods
🌿 Strive to build real, in-person relationships with other local families
🌿 Offer encouragement and support as needed

These are the components that make a location-based Facebook group worthwhile! This a volunteer run group. We are all home educators–be gracious to the collective when life allows by volunteering your time and efforts to the group. If you would like to organize an outing, you are welcome to do so long as it is in the spirit of Miss Mason's teachings.

Weaverville, NC

Charlotte Mason Book Discussion, In Vital Harmony

Connect with likeminded mom's as we discuss the book, In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass. We will meet Tuesday, May 23rd & June 6th at 6:30 p.m. in Weaverville, N.C. The goal of the discussion will be to gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of a Charlotte Mason education for our children and ourselves. She described her approach to education as, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” Members will purchase the book to read and are encouraged to take notes or jot down questions to bring to the discussion. During the meeting, we will take turns sharing our thoughts about the book, what we learned, and how we related to the material.

“It is no arbitrary reward which is attached to the assembling of two or three together; we warm ourselves at each others’ fires, and glow with the heat we get. Let but the heads of two or three families meet together to talk over the bringing up of their children, and the best and wisest parents will go home with new insight, renewed purpose, and warmer zeal. ‘We shall learn by degrees that education is, like religion, a social principle as well as an individual duty; and, meeting on this higher ground, we shall find out the best of one another as we never should in the common intercourse of business or society.'”
Charlotte Mason, editorial note, Parents’ Review, March 1890

Green Bay, WI

Plumfield Living Library

We are a small private lending library in the Green Bay, Wisconsin area with about almost 9,000 books at this time as well as Picture Book Preschool and Wonder Boxes.

In addition to the books themselves, our library has a lot of enrichment opportunities. We have book clubs, a nature club, a handicrafts club, symposium, fellowship for moms, and creative writing classes.

We are proud partners with Biblioguides. All our library patrons have a Biblioguides membership included in their annual fee.

Boiling Springs, PA

Charlotte Mason Fellowship

We are a group of Charlotte Mason homeschooling moms who meet together monthly to read and discuss Mason's volumes. We are an intentional community working towards implementing her philosophy and methods into our homeschooling. We welcome others to join us on our learning journey! Please email me if you're interested in joining our Charlotte Mason Fellowship

Jupiter, FL

Living Education study group

We are a group of home educators who meet the second Tuesday of every month to study Charlotte Mason’s principles for education. To join us, please email Ashley and she will be happy to help you connect with us!!

Linthicum Heights, MD

Charlotte Mason Discussion Group

We're a group of homeschool mothers who meet once monthly to read Charlotte Mason's works and discuss and encourage one another in our homeschooling journeys. Currently we're reading through Karen Glass's A Thinking Love.