
Colorado Springs, CO

Charlotte Mason Educational Retreat

Building Community, Providing Motivation, Inspiring Self-Education, and Encouraging Reflection for God's Glory.

Marshfield, WI

Parent Study Group

“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.”

Tue Dec 14th
6:30p at Nutz Deep in Marshfield

Join us to discuss what Charlotte Mason meant by this powerful statement.
Please listen to the following podcast which helps unpack the fundamentals of home education.

A Delectable Education Episode 4: Three Tools of Education

This parents-only study group is open to anyone looking to enhance your homeschool days. I’ve been longing to have a local community of Charlotte Mason educators to connect with. Through some conversations I’ve had I think there are people interested in this method so I decided to form a group based around Charlotte Mason’s work, however, all are welcome! Whether you currently homeschool or are just tossing around the idea, whether you are enrolled in a virtual school or not, whether you use a box curriculum or curate your own...please join us!

Marshfield, WI

Parent Study Group

Greetings fellow home school parents✌️
Are you looking to connect with other home educators in a meaningful way?
Let’s meet up!

Tue Nov 30th
Please read the following article for our first group discussion:
Children and Books

This parents-only study group is open to anyone looking to enhance your home school days. I’ve been longing to have a local community of Charlotte Mason educators to connect with. Through some conversations I’ve had I think there are people interested in this method so I decided to form a group based around Charlotte Mason’s work, however, all are welcome! Whether you currently home school or are just tossing around the idea, whether you are enrolled in a virtual school or not, whether you use a box curriculum or curate your own...you are welcome at the feast ☺️

Fort Worth, TX

CM Mom’s Book Study Group

This is a monthly book study group currently reading CM's volume 3, meeting the first Monday of each month at Central Market in Fort Worth. At times, we offer family events and mom socials. You can find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharlotteMasonFortWorth/

Charlotte Mason Inspired Fall Retreat

Learn how to incorporate Mason's teachings in your home alongside real moms who have embraced the Charlotte Mason philosophy in their own homes. Take part in live workshops geared towards building and implementing the best learning experience for your child so they can explore, grow, and thrive – building a strong foundation and a love of learning that will last for years to come.

Charlotte Mason Inspired Online Conference

The goal of the Charlotte Mason Inspired Community is to equip and encourage homeschool parents to follow their calling to home educate their children. We come alongside by providing training via our annual conference, by connecting you to today’s leaders in the Charlotte Mason community, and share the best Charlotte Mason friendly resources for your family.

Weekend of Living Ideas

Milford, IA

Weekend of Living Ideas

The Weekend of Living Ideas is a soulful opportunity for parents and educators from a variety of backgrounds to retreat together as we explore and experience the living ideas that surround the educational philosophy and methods of Charlotte Mason. Reshelving Alexandria co-founder Ambre Sautter will be inspiring you about living books. Other topics include Russian Fine Arts, Mothers As Students, Scheduling, Spanish Poetry, and more! Nancy Kelly will be presenting a special pre-retreat immersion that applies to all ages and plenary sessions on The Cloud of Witness, Admiration, Hope and Love, and High School, as well as a workshop on Plutarch. And special bonus, Kent will be there with his blacksmithing gear! Students 12 and older are invited to register with their parents and nursing children are welcome.

Eldon, MO

Charlotte Mason at the Lake

We are a community of home educators who our inspired by the Philosophy of Education laid out by Charlotte Mason. We are all at different places in our homeschool journey but we seek to be a support to families wanting to implement part or the whole of a Charlotte Mason education. We do this by offering continuing education for teachers in our bi monthly study groups. We help carry the teaching burden in our morning co-op. We form community and accountability
as we study nature together in our weekly afternoon Nature Club. We wish to provide oppurtunies for families to learn new skills at our special events. Together we help encourage one another to grow as both educators and parents.

Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Sarah Wilson

I live in South Korea with my husband and our 4yo son. Would like to connect with other CM families.

Goochland, VA

Central Virginia Charlotte Mason Co-op

We are organizing our co-op to offer Nature Study, Plutarch, Shakespeare, Geography, folk dancing and handicrafts. We are planning to meet in the Goochland area but are flexible about our location-- we will chose a location to suit our membership.