reading group

Pella, IA

Charlotte Mason Book Group

We are reading through Charlotte Mason's volumes together. We meet once a month to discuss a chapter or two from the current volume. New members are always welcome.

Greenville, SC

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate

Find us on FB at Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers of the SC Upstate. Mamas meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm to read and discuss CM’s Original Series; book club families are invited to join monthly group nature studies. Visitors always welcome to the book group, and the FB page is also a lovely place to connect with local families pursuing a CM way of life. Group has existed and grown since January 2016!

Marshfield, WI


You’re invited to the FEAST
((Faithfully Educating All Students, Together))

Join us as we read and discuss Charlotte Mason’s first volume in the ‘Home Education’ series. We’ll break down this rich text into manageable portions that are easier to digest and implement.

This parents-only study group is open to anyone looking to enhance your homeschool days.

Whether you currently homeschool or are just tossing around the idea,
whether you are enrolled in a virtual school or not,
whether you use a box curriculum or curate your own–
there’s room at the table for you!

Meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month
6:30p at Nutz Deep II in Marshfield


Red-Brick Academy

Red-Brick Academy is a weekly Charlotte Mason Cottage School that meets for 28 weeks of the traditional school year. We have core and enrichment classes for students in 1st- 12th, including full credit high school classes. We host various community events including a natural History Club and a mom group.

Huntingtown, MD

The Southern Maryland Discussion Group

The Southern Maryland Discussion Group is using the "Start Here" study guide by Brandy Vencel, which covers each of Charlotte Mason's 20 principles. We meet in Huntingtown, MD.

No meeting in December
January 8th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th

Morgantown, WV

Charlotte Mason Morgantown

Group of Christian Charlotte Mason mothers and educators.

Current meetings:
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 4-5:30 pm. We generally listen to a podcast or two and discuss and/or discuss a chapter from one of Charlotte Mason’s Volumes.

There is childcare available for $3/child.

Check out Facebook or email for more information.

Shady Shores, TX

CM Denton (Texas)

We are a group of moms meeting monthly to discuss the works of Charlotte Mason. Join us for a cup of tea the second Tuesday of each month from 7:00-9:30ish pm in Shady Shores, just south of Denton. Message me at 214-78three-8350.

Charlotte Mason Institute Online Study Groups

The Charlotte Mason Institute hosts several different online study groups each semester (seasons run from January-June and July-December) for community, growth, and encouragement. Groups typically meet once a month via zoom for an hour and a half, and extra articles and resources and a forum to chat with others in the group are provided with registration.

Sherwood, AR

Charlotte Mason Book Discussion

We are a group of parents who meet the fourth Monday of the month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. to discuss Charlotte Mason's Home Education series. We read about 20 pgs at home and meet together to discuss and work through our understandings.

Round Rock, TX

Charlotte Mason Round Rock

Charlotte Mason Round Rock is a group of mothers reading through Miss Mason’s volumes together who meet at the nature preserve for discussion. Out meetups are child-friendly, and we welcome all who are curious in learning more about Charlotte Mason.