
St Charles, MO

Living Books Fellowship

2023-2034 is our inaugural year.

We will meet in St. Charles, MO, 24 times in the school year, on Thursdays.

We are a cooperative - each mom must lead a subject/class.

Families must have an oldest student of age 12+, we are targeting families with "older" school age students, to meet a need of a weekly, in-person, academic co-op.

We base our classes on Ambelside Online Group Forms.

Wentzville, MO

CM Book Study Group

Our group meets at a local park (kids welcome!) on the second Thursday of each month to read and discuss the Charlotte Mason Volumes. Currently reading through Volume 3, School Education.

Eldon, MO

Charlotte Mason at the Lake

We are a community of home educators who our inspired by the Philosophy of Education laid out by Charlotte Mason. We are all at different places in our homeschool journey but we seek to be a support to families wanting to implement part or the whole of a Charlotte Mason education. We do this by offering continuing education for teachers in our bi monthly study groups. We help carry the teaching burden in our morning co-op. We form community and accountability
as we study nature together in our weekly afternoon Nature Club. We wish to provide oppurtunies for families to learn new skills at our special events. Together we help encourage one another to grow as both educators and parents.

St. Louis, MO

Ambleside Christian Academy

Ambleside Christian Academy is a homeschool program inspired by Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophies. Our tuition-based, drop-off program, consisting of a cottage school and a forest school, is meant to enrich and complement a family’s home education.