book study

Phoenix, AZ

Charlotte Mason In Phoenix (area) Facebook Group

We are a gathering and networking place for all CM homeschoolers in the Greater Phoenix metro area and surrounding cities. Connect with others in the area to find like-minded families, join mothers' books studies, nature clubs, co-ops, and other meet-ups, along with AZ specific info like cultural events, AZ history sites/books, and nature hikes.

Alveary Grove

At Alveary Grove we are team of Charlotte Mason educators based in Southern- Africa. We are dedicated to supporting homeschooling and gospel centered parenthood. We host book studies, homeschooling support groups and mentorships, as well as member-led workshops. Alveary Grove is a online community that provides an enriching and engaging environment aimed at building strong local relationships.

Fair Grove, MO

Charlotte Mason Mothers Bookstudy

We are a group of homeschooling mothers reading Mason's volumes together and encouraging one another in pursuit of wisdom and in implementing her method in our homes. We meet one Saturday morning a month.

Wentzville, MO

CM Book Study Group

Our group meets at a local park (kids welcome!) on the second Thursday of each month to read and discuss the Charlotte Mason Volumes. Currently reading through Volume 4.

Hamilton, ON

Whole Hearted Educators

We are a group of CM focused mamas, who meet once a month to study CM principals (this year we are studying Volume III). For participating members, you have access to our living book library (for a small cost).
Please message to inquire for more info.

South Orange, NJ

Trellis Charlotte Mason Community

Trellis is a North-Central NJ Charlotte Mason community that exists to support parents and develop relationships between homeschooling families interested in learning and growing in the life-giving, relational principles and methods laid out by Charlotte Mason.

Trellis was prayerfully established in order to provide the fellowship, encouragement, and support needed for homeschooling parents to provide their children with an education in their home environment based on the gospel-centered, Charlotte Mason philosophy and method. Being so prayerfully established, the Trellis community continues to thrive by God's guidance through prayer and His truth as revealed in the Holy Bible. We seek to support current and prospective homeschooling families by providing opportunities for parents and their children to build relationships and grow in their delight of learning together.

We are made up of families from Essex, Bergen, Morris, Union, and Middlesex counties of NJ, and currently are accepting mothers into our in-person book study group. This Fall (starting Sept 2023) we are starting the first part of Volume 4: Ourselves. We welcome people of all faith, educational, and cultural backgrounds, while at the same time putting forth the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the scriptures, which is the truth upon which Charlotte Mason based her philosophy and method.

We do not offer a co-op at this time.

Windom, MN

Evening of Encouragement (Parents’ Midwest Education Union)

A discussion group for educators to encourage and support each other in our journey to teach. Our readings are from the writings of Charlotte Mason.

PMEU stands for Parents Midwest Education Union and is a name we use to describe this group. It's a play on Charlotte Mason's PNEU - Parents' National Education Union, a resource arm for her schools.

Please email Karla Taber ( or Sally Almodovar ( for more info.

Our group has veteran Charlotte Mason homeschoolers as well as those new to the method - all are welcome! We meet in different homes each month and we take a break over the summer months.