Group for parents and students


Ambleside Online- Roseville

Monthly meetings primarily on Friday or Saturday morning, which consists of meeting for nature walks. Open to moms with similar aged children (Fall 2024 my oldest will be 6). If schedules allow, we can build in additional hikes and AO activities together.

A few things about my developing group:
- We are a Christian family and want to develop a Christian homeschool group.
-Fall 2024 will be our first year using Year 1 of AO, so I’m still new to Charlotte Mason and homeschool! (I’d like the group to consist of those using Ambleside Online.)
-I’m just starting this group so still working out some scheduling kinks and such.

We will meet for nature walks along trails, creek play, or small hikes.
I was thinking to also emphasize AO nature study rotation at the nature meet ups.

Roseville, CA

We’ll send your contact information to the Group organizer so they can get in touch with you.