
Bernville, PA

Monthly Online Support

Hello! My name is Heather VanHanxleden, and I’ve been a homeschool mom of eight since 2001. I’m also a certified life coach!

I offer support and encouragement through bi-weekly emails to homeschooling moms at all stages of their journey. In these emails, I share valuable coaching tips I’ve gathered over the years. Additionally, I host a monthly one-hour call where we discuss a range of homeschooling topics. I also offer complimentary coaching sessions during available time slots for anyone interested.

I would love to add you to my bi-weekly email list! This group is not exclusive to the CM homeschooling method—it’s open to all homeschooling moms.

Thank you for considering signing up! If you have any questions, feel free to call or text me at (717) 673-7889 or email me at

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Grand Bay, AL

Fort Lake Acres Lending Library

*Small but growing library of wholesome, living books
*Curriculum that you can preview before deciding to buy.
*30 day checkouts with NO late fees.
*Homeschooling, Curriculum, Planning, and Education Advice/Consulting at no additional charge.

Zoom Charlotte Mason Book Study

A zoom meeting reading Charlotte Mason's Volumes.
Our purpose is to guide you to understand a Living Education through the work of Charlotte. We also encourage each other with understanding, ideas, and experience.
Our local members are in the Omaha area. We also have mothers in other states as well as other countries.
Currently meeting evenings, 4th Monday of the month, 8:30-9:15 central time.
contact for questions and the link.