Living library

Benbrook, TX

FEASTT Homeschool Community

At FEASTT our mission is to provide simplicity, accountability and community to homeschooling families by assisting in spreading the feast of education through Faith-building Experiences,
Academic Support and the Trusted Techniques
​developed by Charlotte Mason.
We currently meet once a week on Tuesdays from 9-2:30. You can learn more about us at our website!

Redding, CA


Charlotte Mason Redding is a local community organized to equip, encourage and support those who are actively pursuing or desirous of learning to implement Charlotte Mason’s philosophy in their homes. We offer parental training, group gatherings & special events, group classes, a living library and mother culture opportunities.

Martinsburg, WV

Covenant Family Library

Covenant Family Library has over 9000 books ready to share with the local homeschool community.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Living Learning Library

Enjoy our 41,000-volume living-books library, serving South Florida. We're in the West Palm Beach area, and our vast collection is available for lending, plus we have wonderful Story Times, Book Clubs, etc. Our collection includes special Five-in-a-Row support totes, SCM selections, TruthQuest History recommendations, Good and Beautiful books, etc. This is our second library, with the first still operating in northern Michigan, where we've been lending for almost 30 years! If you find our corporate park, we're in Building C, Suite 101, with our entry NOT in the building's lobby, because we are on the ground floor so we have a direct door on the building's exterior.