Charlotte’s Circle

This group was created for Charlotte Mason families to have a nurturing community to grow with - children and moms alike. To help achieve this goal we meet out of doors every Thursday throughout the year at local parks for free play, hikes, sharing of riches, field trips, and more.

As a dedicated homeschooling meetup group in Northern Virginia, we value the strong relationships we've built with our community over the years. It's more than meeting once a week. We seek to do life together.

Worcester, MA

Central Mass CM book group

We are a group of moms reading through Charlotte Mason's volumes together and supporting one another in this homeschool and parenting journey. We meet monthly and we are located in Central Massachusetts.


TBG Co-op

You are invited to participate in a bi-weekly gathering of families in the Tuscaloosa County, AL area to study art, handicrafts, poetry, music, folk dance, games, literature including Shakespeare, Spanish, and recitation in the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. We will use the life-giving principles and methods of Charlotte Mason for our lesson plans and activities. The gathering is for mothers and children of all ages to pursue a relational understanding of the things we study. A legal guardian must remain with the enrolling child for the duration of the TBG Co-op. Parents are required to contribute in some way. This could be teaching, assisting, clean-up, nursery duty, etc.

Date/Time: Our group will meet on [15 Fridays] in the fall and spring [from 12:30 pm-4:00 pm]. The meeting days include a Get-to-Know You Day and two Celebration days!

Folsom, CA

Sacramento Nature Outing

I'm looking to start a CM Nature Outing and possibly a mom's group for "Schole" and learning together. I envision the Nature Outing meeting 3 times a month (Tues 12-3 OR Fri 11-2) with a monthly mom's night (2nd Monday evening @ 7pm). I have 5 girls and have been homeschooling for 12 years, was homeschooled myself, and have 12 years to go, as my little just entered kindergarten. We recently moved to Sacramento and I'm looking forward to making new friends and adventuring in the NorCal beauty of creation. Let's explore the beauty of Sacramento together.

Waco, TX

Charlotte Mason Community in Waco, Texas

We are a loosely knit group of parents who are working to use CM philosophy in our homeschools. But Waco has many opportunities for a CM educator to connect with others who are CM educators!

At the center is a Charlotte Mason Study Group of both new and seasoned homeschooling mothers and co-op and school educators meets one Monday evening a month to discuss Mason’s volumes. All mothers and women educators are welcome to join our warm, humble, inspiring, focused, and encouraging atmosphere, finding camaraderie with others seeking to implement a Charlotte Mason philosophy in homes and schools. Join us, also, to ask about opportunities to connect further with the Charlotte Mason community in the Waco area.

There are other groups that have grown from this core group. And they are all wonderfully organic in their growth.