Christian fellowship

Okeechobee, FL

A Humble Place home lending library

A Humble Place home lending library is an ever-growing private lending library run by a veteran homeschool mom. Open Hours are scheduled 1 day/week; private appointments can be scheduled for those that can’t make it during Open Hours. Let me curate books and resources for your studies or pleasure reading! Let me help you find joy in reading, as well as in providing quality and inspiring reading material for your family! Registration and cost involved ($10/month). The library also hosts occasional events such as Conversazione Teatimes and Book Clubs.

Okeechobee, FL

Book Discussion group

Our Book Discussion group meets on a Saturday morning, once a month, at a local coffee shop. We come together to discuss an assigned portion of our current selection, which right now is: Mother Culture by Karen Andreola. We have, over many years, read through other titles such as For the Children’s Sake, A Charlotte Mason Companion, CM volumes: Home Education, Ourselves, Formation of Character… All are welcome! We’re finding this title beneficial for moms at any stage of life— even those “retired” from homeschooling and raising children. There is no cost for the group, but we do ask that you purchase a coffee and/or breakfast from the shop where we meet, as they are kind and gracious hosts and running a small business. The relationships grown from this group are priceless and we are always excited to add another kindred friend!