South Africa

Alveary Grove

At Alveary Grove we are team of Charlotte Mason educators based in Southern- Africa. We are dedicated to supporting homeschooling and gospel centered parenthood. We host book studies, homeschooling support groups and mentorships, as well as member-led workshops. Alveary Grove is a online community that provides an enriching and engaging environment aimed at building strong local relationships.

Sandton, GP

The Olives – Charlotte Mason Communities

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. - Isaiah 61:3

We are a community of Charlotte Mason homeschooling families based in the Gauteng province in South Africa.

This group was started many years ago (with just one other family) when we moved to Johannesburg, South Africa.

My prayer was to find community, to build friendships, to support each other and to learn together..

God has been faithful and we have grown into several Charlotte Mason communities in the Johannesburg area.

Our group is blessed by so many different strengths and talents and each family bring something precious to it.

We meet on Fridays for a couple of hours to sing folksongs, read poetry and to do nature study together.

Mums also meet for a monthly book study and we have family gatherings through the year.

Please contact me if you'd like to visit or find out more!