Veni et Vide Charlotte Mason Guild
Are you a CM family who desires community, growth, and support on your CM journey? We are a small group of moms looking to expand an ongoing Charlotte Mason & Classical education reading circle near Redlands CA, that aims to meet monthly to encourage each other and discuss scheduled readings, CM philosophy, and mother culture.
As home-educating families dedicated to implementing Charlotte Mason’s philosophy in our homes, we aim to encourage each other in this education of atmosphere, discipline, and a life. Like a medieval guild, which was an association of artisans who oversaw the practice of their trade or craft in a particular area and aimed to uphold common goals of quality and agreed standards, we hope to gather around a shared interest in CM to improve our knowledge and educational craft, and to affirm best practices for those principles in a variety of family contexts.
All levels of understanding are encouraged and welcomed! In alignment with Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy, this group will uphold a biblical worldview, affirming that the Word of God is true and serves as the foundation of our beliefs. We affirm the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. We are not aiming to blend neo-classical methods (ages and stages, such as the popular Classical Conversations formula) with Charlotte Mason, but see her as a unique participant in a deep, rich, living, diverse, classical tradition that we can also engage with and create community around.
Our hope is to connect with other families in our area who want to know more and share commitment to this educational method through activities such as a parents/moms study group (reading, discussing, and applying CM's volumes and other related education books), nature study, and educational outings. *with more interest and participation this group can expand to include a broader range of enrichment/activities*
Although we do make space for unexpected circumstances, moms attending at least 75% of study group meetings per term is the ideal minimum requirement for participation, as well as doing any agreed assigned readings.
"Veni et Vide" or, "Come and See" for yourself the rich and beautiful education of an atmosphere, discipline, and life with us! Contact for current meeting details.
Bethel Schoolhouse
Bethel Schoolhouse is a Christian co-op in Coppell for children K - 2nd grade and their younger siblings. We are a group of homeschooling parents who would like to together provide our kids with a wide and generous education in a way that we wouldn’t be able to do alone.
We offer extra-curricular/enrichment classes to compliment the core courses children are working on at home. Example classes are nature study, artist study, composer study, and the art of narration. Charlotte Mason said that if a family is like a nation, it should strive to “establish close and friendly relations with other nations; and that, not with one or two, but with many…” A co-op is an opportunity to do just that! Let’s be friends and work together.